'Turkey is doing what it had done in Cyprus in 74 in Kurdistan today'


NEWS CENTER - KNK Co-Chair Zeyneb Murad stated that Turkey wanted to expand its territory in the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne and said, "Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and now it is trying to do the same thing in Kurdistan."

The attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region, Shengal and Makhmur continue in cooperation with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) as a result of the AKP's dreams of "Neo-Ottomanism". Having failed to achieve the desired results in the attacks it launched on Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions last year, Turkey launched a wave of extensive attacks on April 17 with the cooperation of the KDP.
Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Co-chair Zeyneb Murad made evaluations about the AKP's plans for the region.
Underlining that the main purpose of the war is an attempt of genocide against the Kurds and the occupation of Kurdistan lands, Murad said that Turkey also wants to realize its dreams of Neo-Ottomanism with these attacks. Pointing out that Turkey has a broad war strategy, Murad said, "It is making plans according to this strategy. Within the scope of these attacks, it has been attacking Avaşîn, Metina and Zap regions for more than a year. They could not get the desired results in the first attack because there was a great resistance in the region. A new attack plan was made in April. Turkey wants to invade the region. It wants to expand the Ottoman borders and return to the borders established in the National Pact,
Stating that Turkey wants to expand its borders in the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, Murad said, “2023 is the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne. In this new century, Turkey once again seeks to expand its borders and invade the province known as Mosul. The Turkish state invaded Cyprus in 1974 while the whole world watched. It wants to do this in Kurdistan as well. And it will not stop there too. They will expand further. Why does the Turkish state insist on invading Zap, Metina and Avaşîn? Because these areas are strategic areas. This is beyond Southern Kurdistan. Kirkuk and Baghdad are among these dreams of Turkey. This is clearly expressed by Turkey. For this reason, not only the Kurdish people, but all other peoples in the region should react to this invasion. The existence of the Erdogan government in these areas is is a danger for the people who live there."
Saying that Turkey turned the war between Ukraine and Russia into an opportunity, Murad said, “Turkey is benefittin from the the Russia-Ukraine war that continues despite NATO. Kurdish people must understand that. Turkish state clearly states that these lands are its. It also says that Rojava is its lands. It defines Kirkuk as the 82th province of Turkey. Turkey doesn't want Kurds to have status. The aim of these attacks is to destroy the status of the Kurds and they are not trying to hide it either. They say there is no such thing as Kurdistan. Unfortunately, the authorities in Southern Kurdistan have not yet taken a stand against this. They want to legitimize the Turkish state saying that their relation is based on commerce."
Stating that one of the mail reasons of Turkish attacks is oil, Murad said: "Everyone knows the reason of the Russia-Ukraine war. Russia cut the energy. Now there is an energy crisis all over the world. Turkey wants to use this crisis and expand it further. Everyone knows that there is oil in Kurdistan. Turkey wants to have that oil and it poses a risk. There is a difference of opinion between KDP and PUK on this issue. And there is a crisis between Iraqi government and the regional government. National interests are not taken into account. This is unacceptable. There is a dirty trade with Turkey under the name of diplomacy. Kurdistan, which has hundreds of thousands of martyrs, prisoners and gains, is in danger. Today, Kurdistan is going through its worst days in history. Its burden is much havier now."
Underlining that Turkey's attacks is a part of a plan, Murad said: "They want to leave the Yazidis defenseless. Even though it is the Iraqi Army that attacks the Yazidis, it does so with the say so of Turkey. Dozens of Turkish bases have been established in Mosul. It has intelligence officers and soldiers from Mosul to Başîka. This is why it makes Iraq attack Shengal. We see that even though its been 8 months since the elections, a government has not been established. This is why the Turkish attacks were decided by Turkey and KDP. The politics in Iraq is fragmanted. This fragmentation strengthens Turkey. However, no matter how they attack, they were repelled with the resistance of the Kurds. Yazidis will also fight back and we should support them. It is a national duty. Everyone owes the Yazidis. Assyrians, Chaldeans and Syrians are also in danger. A national front must be established. This is a war of survival for all the peoples of the region."