Journalist Ermiş: Efforts are being made to create a Turkish province in Northern Syria

NEWS CENTER -  Stating that the project of resettlement of refugees in Northern and Eastern Syria aimed at assimilation of the region, Journalist Halit Ermiş said, "Erdogan is laying the foundations of a chaos that will last years after his government."
Turkey's attacks with paramilitary groups against Northern and Eastern Syria in cooperation with the KDP in Federated Kurdistan continue. The AKP, which implements a policy specific to Syria, aims to settle “refugees” in Girê Spî, Afrin, Serêkanîyê, Jarablus and Ezaz in Northern and Eastern Syria. Turning the government crisis in Iraq into an opportunity with the Russia-Ukraine war, Turkey is trying to increase the tension in the region. 
Stating that the reflection of the Ukrainian war on the region is an expected development, Journalist Halit Ermiş said: “The forces fighting in Ukraine, the forces realizing the global design, are also the forces fighting in Syria. They were not waging a mutual war in the sense of a hot war, but they were waging a very intense diplomatic struggle. They were struggling to turn the balance in their favor. They were looking for ways to design the dynamics of the region according to their own politics. The USA and Russia are leading this.”
Stating that designing the region means designing a new global system based on the Middle East, Ermiş said: "This is not easy. The structural reality of the Middle East is not suitable to be designed with the interventions made in a short time, the powers under the auspices of the USA or England during the First World War gained a 100-year experience of nation-states. They have come to a certain state of power and able to change the balance."
Stating that there were cracks in the calculations made over Syria with the Ukraine war, Ermiş said: "With the Ukraine war, Russia lost its power in Syria. Russia and the USA have not been active in Syria. Everyone is pursuing a wait and see policy right now. The war in Ukraine will be decisive in terms of the balance of power in the region. Although Syria is not on the agenda for now, it will eventually come to the fore again, even in a very hot and very violent way. It may come to the fore as the scene of hot conflicts between these powers.” 
Stating that Turkey is acting within the framework of the National Pact and Neo-Ottomanist goals, Ermiş said: "The resettlement of refugees in the region is a great threat. Turkey's efforts to change the demographic structure in the region and make the occupation permanent with the attacks on Jarablus and Afrin. The Turkish state is trying to Turkify the region and assimilate the region, to create a Turkish province. This is a very dangerous situation because it is not clear who the people Turkey brought and settled as refugees are. Turkey is changing the region's demographics because there were millions of people who migrated from there. Turkey closes the doors to them.” 
Warning that if the former residents of the region returned, they would face the people resettled by Turkey and that a new conflict would begin, Ermiş said: "Will there not be social chaos? Turkey knows that this chaos will happen, these conflicts will happen. Turkey is doing this on purpose because he doesn't want the chaos in the region to end. As long as this chaos continues, Turkey can maintain its dominance. It tries to keep the region in a state of crisis and tension so that it can create the justification for its intervention. Turkey has made itself the patron of these refugees. However, these so-called refugees may be people trained in camps in Turkey. How are people trained? What kind of danger will they pose when they are placed here.”
Stating that there are tens of thousands of paramilitary forces in places where the demographics are desired to be changed, Ermiş continued as follows: “There will be a problem of adaptation to the people brought to the region by these gangs. The region will be kept in a constant state of conflict. Therefore, this policy is extremely dangerous. Erdogan is currently laying the foundations of a chaos that will last years after him. Tukey wants to strangle and eliminate the Kurds, but sacrifices the entire region to this cause. This is done in a very dirty way. Locals will not accept it. Turkey want to play Kurds against Arabs.
It is a very conscious policy. While Arabs, Kurds, Turkmens, Armenians and Assyrians are establishing a system together in Northern and Eastern Syria, Turkey is actually trying to shake the foundations of the region with this demographic change. Creating a conflict between Kurds and Arabs in Serêkanîye and Afrin is trying to spread this throughout Northern and Eastern Syria. This is a very dangerous situation. This will have repercussions for Turkey. If something happens to the Kurds in Afrin and Serêkaniye, will it not be reflected in Northern Kurdistan?”
Stating that with the war between Russia and Ukraine, Russia's policy in the region has not been active and Turkey has turned this into an opportunity to settle refugees in the region, Ermiş said, "If this had not happened, would Russia's attitude be different? We know Russia's role in the occupation of Afrin and its role in the occupation of Serêkanîye and Girê Spî. Would Russia pursue a very different policy? It is not clear. When Turkey shot down the Russian plane, Russia broadcast Turkey's relations with ISIS with images. But when Turkey made concessions, Russia ignored the mistakes of Turkey. Russia didn't bring them up much. When Turkey attackked Afrin, Russia opened its airspace to the Turkish state. Russia played an important role in the occupation of Afrin. Without the Ukraine war, Russia would not have followed a very different policy. But Turkey did this while everyone was focused on Ukraine, while the USA wanted to leave Russia alone. Both sides want to attract Turkey to their side. That's why Turkey's hand is very strong. As such, Turkey saw opportunity in its own way and brings these refugees to the region."
Stating that Turkey has been trying to realize the National Pact project since Lausanne, Ermiş said: "This project extended from the Federated Kurdistan Region to Northern and Eastern Syria. Turkey deepened the chaos that emerged in the 3rd World War for the realization of this project so Turkey needed proxy wars. That's why it tried to strengthen Al Nusra and ISIS. That's why it establishes an alliance with the KDP because it is trying to keep its hand strong on the field through them. If the problem cannot be solved in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East, the most problematic power is the Turkish state.
Stating that Turkey wanted to exterminate the Kurds in this century, as it did to the Armenians during the First World War, Ermiş said: “For a century, they could not exterminate the Kurds. The Kurds revolted whenever they had the chance. They tried to determine their own destiny. Today, the Kurds are stronger in the 3rd World War than in the First World War. Kurds have a systemic policy. They solved world politics. Kurds knows its friends and foes. Kurds have self power. They acquired national consciousness.  Against this, Turkey carries out how it can exterminate the Kurds and how it can attempt genocide. Erdoğan's aims for 2023 is liquidating the Kurds.
Emphasizing that the Kurds are not the only power that Turkey will face in the region, Ermiş said, “The Damascus government considered the resettlement of refugees as an occupation. It's not about Syria, it's just about Iran. If the Turkish state cannot achieve what it wants in Iraq, it is because of the resistance of the Kurds, but the second is because Iran does not want the Turkish state to establish its hegemony alone.”
Referring to the government crisis in Iraq, Ermiş said: "The strengthening of the Turkmen in the political scene is due to Turkey's arming and support, therefore, the policy carried out in Southern Kurdistan, Kirkuk and Hewler in Iraqi politics is a policy that serves the Turkish state. There is no policy that serves the future of Iraq. How will those who are settled in Jarabulus in Syria and those trained in the SMO serve Syria? In this way, how can we talk about a common front in Syria and Iraq? The forces are used against each other. While the KDP has made a 50-year oil agreement with Turkey, how can we talk about an agreement between the KDP and the Hewler administration and the Baghdad administration? How can we talk about the unity of the Kurds?
Pointing out that all forces are afraid of the system developed in Northern and Eastern Syria, Ermiş underlined that this system is expanding day by day. Ermiş said, “Although it is not possible to go with the existing political structures, there is no such thing that alternatives cannot be developed. People are conscious. The peoples are now meeting on a common front. Relations and alliances are formed between Kurds and Arabs, between Kurds and Assyrians, between Kurds and Turkmens. Just as they united at a common front against ISIS, today they united on a common front that creates their own system. This affects Iraq. This is why they are attacking Shengal. They are afraid of the system developed in Shengal because a system is formed based on the common will and democratic norms. And it will expand further.”
Emphasizing that there is a reality of people resisting all this, Ermiş said: “I think that both Damascus and Iran will see this reality better. States will have to transform themselves because the current trend puts them in a more chaotic situation and keeps them open to the intervention of global powers. Democratic Confederalism is not a case of goodwill. It's a reality that comes to life every day. The Arab tribes Damascus government tried to attract the Turkish government to its side, but failed. The Arab tribes own their own system. This will gradually affect those around them. They attracted the KDP to their side, but the people of Shengal and Sulaymaniyah are resisting. That's why they took the paramilitary structures to their side. So there is no need to despair. There is a popular reality that resists. This is the way out. This creates hope. In that respect, the forces that lost in the Third World War in the Middle East are the sovereign nation powers. They are global capital forces. Mr. Öcalan was saying: State+democracy forces will come to this line.”
MA / Ahmet Kanbal