Eyüp Barzani: The regional economy is under the control of Turkey

NEWS CENTER - Stating that the KDP has surrendered to Turkey, Kurdish politician Eyüp Barzani said: “The economy of the Federated Kurdistan Region is under the control of Turkey.”
Kurdish politician and writer Eyüp Barzani evaluated the wrong policies of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in the Federated Kurdistan Region and the economic crisis that the people went through as a result. Answering the questions of journalist Fehim Işık from Medya Haber, Barzani said that there was a great unrest in the society due to the crises experienced by the administration in the Federated Kurdistan Region.
Stating that there was a great economic crisis in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Barzani said: "The workers are still not paid. They are either paid late or given low salaries. The salary problem of the employees is a serious problem. The second is the problem of poverty. Poverty is a very serious problem there. The poor and helpless classes are struggling because of poverty. The wealthy classes are getting richer."
Stating that Turkey's military presence in the region disturbs the people as well, Barzani said: “The operations of Turkish soldiers are intensfiying day by day. Villages, mountains, many places are bombed. Turkish soldiers could not advance in many places, but now they are advancing. The presence of Turkish soldiers in South Kurdistan is increasing.” 
Stating that the corruption of the Barzani family was spoken openly by the public,  Eyüp Barzani said: “Especially the roles of senior executives involved in corruption are discussed.There is a lot of corruption."
Drawing attention to the KDP-Turkey relations, Eyüp Barzani said: “Turkey is the one in control of the relationship between Turkey and the Bashur (South) administration. The KDP administration is not in a position to take a decision against Turkey. If the KDP represents the people, it should stand up against Turkey, so the KDP does not have to surrender to Turkey. KDP surrendered to Turkey. This is a very dangerous situation.”
There is control over oil agreements. In other words, Turkey has full control over oil and gas and also their refining and sale. In fact, all decisions regarding the determination of the price and to whom it will be sent are under the control of Turkey. Turkey has a bad role in controlling the Southern economy. There are many Turkish soldiers in the region. KDP supported Turkish soldiers' presence. Turkey's soldiers, warplanes and spies are flocking to our lands. The Turkish military is doing what they want and therefore they do not respect the KDP and the Kurds."
Emphasizing that the resolution of the contradictions between Kurdistan parties is possible through internal dialogue, Barzani said: “Administrative cadres should consult each other, sit together and discuss the issue. The parties should meet and talk, but if they are free, they can do it. The problem is freedom. If an administration is free, it can negotiate and reach a good result. However, if a party is under the influence of an occupying state, it is very difficult for it to make an independent decision.”
Stating that Turkey's presence in the Federated Kurdistan Region has nothing to do with the PKK, Barzani said: "If the regional administration, especially the KDP, should develop an attitude and enter into dialogue with the PKK for the peace of the region, they will reach a conclusion. The problem here is that the administration is not free in its own political decisions. Therefore, they cannot form an alliance. However, there is always a solution to solve the problems among the Kurds themselves. If the Kurds unite and organise and of course they should be free, they can solve their own problems.”