AANES: The International Coalition must stand up to their responsibilities

NEWS CENTER - Condemning Turkey's attack on 3 SDF and YPJ commanders, the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria demanded that the International Coalition to fulfill its responsibilities.
The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria released a statement and called for the international community to break their silence, to overcome their shameful attitude and to confront the atrocities of the Turkish state.
The statement reads : “ The international community is praising the struggle of the Syrian Democratic Forces in cooperation with the International Coalition in Syria in their fight to defeat global terrorism which is represented by ISIS and afiliated terrorist groups. We see that the Turkish occupation state is waging war against the people of North and East Syria and its compontent in addition to its military forces established under the umbrella of the SDF. They benefit from the silence of the international community. They are also showing a shameful attitude which is not in accordance with the struggle and those who have become victims to the attacks. Neither is it in accordance to the goals of the international community`s effort in defeating terrorism, especially after the goals and aims of the Turkish state were not achieved, as if they are openly saying either “i support the war on terror” or “I will wage war on those fighting against terrorism”. This especially applies for the components of North and East Syria who have come up with a wide range of sollutions and achieved unity in response to the crises we find ourselves in.
Recently, especially after the Tehran summit; on Friday, July 22, miltary equipment of the Turkish occupation state carried out a treacherous attack by using a UAV to target YAT commander Jiyan Tolhildan and her comrades. They rose to the level of martyrdom as a rusult of this attack.
It is noteworthy that martyr Jiyan and her comrades, Roj and Barin, fought alongside the International Coalition in the fight against ISIS and terrorism. Accordingly, we call on the international coalition before anyone else, to stand up to their responsibilities in the fight against ISIS and all those who stand in their way of combatting global terrorism. Furthermore, we call on the international, official and civil society, to break their silence and overcome their shamefull attitude. We call on them to confront the Turkish state`s atrocities and stop them on both their political and geographical borders."