43 prisoners lost their lives in 8 mounths

  • actual
  • 11:51 16 August 2022
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BATMAN-In the prisons where 2 people lost their lives in the last two days, 43 prisoners, including ill prisoners, whose release was prevented by ATK, lost their lives in the 8 months.
Former Democratic Region Party(DBP) Provincial Co-Chair and Party Council Member Mehmet Candemir(60) died in the Giresun Espiye Type L Closed Prison. With the Candemir's death, two bodies were released from the prison in the last two days. İbrahim Yıldırım(68), 96 percent disabled ill prisoner in the Elazığ No. 1 High Security Closed Prison, lost his life on August 14. Yıldırım has 10 days before his release. Despite serious health problems, 1,517 ill, 615 of whom are serious ill, are not released due to the reports of the Forensic Medicine Institutions(ATK) and are left to die.
As a result of the political prisoners, the ill and the prisoners who are not released despite they served their sentence, 43 prisoners lost their lives in the first 8 months of the year.
* Murat E., who was held in Van Type M Prison, died suspiciously on 13 January.
* It was alleged that Yılmaz Ekinci (28) who was from the Hizan district of Bitlis and was arrested on the charge of "injuring" in July 2021 and put in Aydın Type E Closed Prison, committed suicide on January 13.
* 70-year-old Ramazan Turan, who was held in a solitary quarantine cell in Van High Security Prison due to his illness, died on January 21. It was claimed that Turan died as a result of a heart attack.
* It was alleged that Emrah Çalışır, who was held in Kandıra Closed Prison, died on January 26 as a result of a heart attack.
* It was alleged that Sefa Körçe, who was held in Adana Kürkçüler Type F High Security Closed Prison, died on January 29 as a result of a heart attack.
* Mehmet Hanifi Bilgin, who was held in Bolu Type F Prison, died on January 30, 5 months before his release. The prison administration, which called the family, claimed that Bilgin died "due to a heart attack".
* Seriously ill imprisoned Turgay Deniz (39) died on February 2 at Yedikule Chest and Diseases Hospital, where he was taken to Metris Prison, where he was hospitalized after falling ill.
* Ercan Eke (43), a judicial prisoner in Aliağa Şakran Prison, died on March 5, suspiciously. In Eke's preliminary autopsy, it was claimed that there were beating marks on her head.
* İsa Yaşar (57) who was held in Kırıkkale Keskin Type T Closed Prison, died on February 6. The prison administration claimed that Yaşar died suddenly as a result of cardiac arrest.
* Şahin Adanur, who was held in Mersin Anamur Type T Closed Prison, died on February 12 due to the coronavirus (Kovid-19) he was caught.
* 84-year-old Musret Muğla, who was arrested on the grounds that he deposited money in Bank Asya, died on February 13 in Manisa Type T Prison.
* 82-year-old Yusuf Bekmezci, a seriously ill prisoner in Kırıklar Type F Prison, died on February 20 in the intensive care unit, where he stayed for 47 days.
* Sezer Alan, who was held in Iğdır Type S Prison, died suspiciously in prison on February 20.
* Taner Işıldak, who was imprisoned in Bilecik Type M Closed Prison, died suspiciously on February 23.
* Ali Kaya, held in Denizli Type D Closed Prison, was allegedly found dead in his room on February 25.
* Bedri Çakmak, who was held in Diyarbakır Type D Closed Prison, died on March 11, one year before he completed his execution, despite catching stomach cancer in the prison.
* Hayri Karaş, who was held in Diyarbakır Type D Closed Prison, died on March 15, 10 days after he was released due to bowel cancer.
* Sinan Kaya, who was held in Iğdır Type S Closed Prison, died suspiciously on March 20.
* Şervan Can Güder, who was held in Van Type F Closed Prison, died on March 22. The prison administration claimed that Güder died due to a heart attack.
* 17-year-old Umut Bulut, who was held in Elazig Type T Closed Prison, died suspiciously on March 23.
* 82-year-old Abdo Baran, a cancer patient held in Midyat Type M Closed Prison, died in the hospital he was admitted to on March 24.
* Reşat Altınbaş died in Silivri Open Prison, Penitentiary Institution, on March 24, about a week after the execution was postponed because he was seriously ill with cancer.
* Mehmet Sevinç, who was held in Manisa Type T Closed Prison, died on April 7 as a result of cerebral hemorrhage.
* Ferhan Yılmaz, who was held in Silivri No. 5 Type L Closed Prison, died suspiciously on April 12.
* Ill prisoner Mehmet O., who was held in Antalya Type E Closed Prison, died suspiciously on April 19.
* Ali Nuri Bakır, who was held in Kandıra Type F Closed Prison, died on April 22 due to a heart attack.
* Seyit Şahin, who was held in Patnos Type L Closed Prison, died suspiciously on April 26.
* Yusuf Akmısır, who was held in Bolu Type F Closed Prison, died suspiciously on May 8.
* 73-year-old Abdullah Ece, a ill prisoner in İzmir Kırıklar Type F Closed Prison, died on May 14 in the hospital he was taken to due to the coronavirus.
* Ferhat Doğan, who was held in Tarsus Type T Closed Prison, died suspiciously on May 15.
* Y.E.Y., who was held in Ceyhan Type M Closed Prison, died suspiciously on May 20.
* Sıddık Uğur, who was held in Batman Beşiri Type T Closed Prison, died suspiciously on May 25.
* Hakan Kaşarlıoğlu, who was held in Denizli Type D Closed Prison, passed away on June 4. The prison administration claimed that Kaşarlıoğlu had suffered a heart attack.
* Kadir Karademir, who was held in Patnos Type L Closed Prison, died suspiciously on June 12.
* Fethi Ün, who was held in Denizli Kocabaş Type T Closed Prison, died on June 13 as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage.
* Osman Ali Yılmaz, who was held in Bodrum Type S Open Prison, died suspiciously on July 10.
* Meryem Serçe, who was held in Sakarya Type L Closed Prison, died suspiciously on July 11.
* Ill prisoner Mehmet Sait Demiröz, who was in Ödemiş Type T Closed Prison, passed away on July 17.
* Kadri Ekici, who was held in Diyarbakir No. 2 High Security Prison, died suspiciously on July 21.
* Mehmet Yılmaz, who was imprisoned in Urfa E Type Closed Prison, died suspiciously on July 24.
* Taner Atmaca, who was held in Batman Type M Closed Prison, died suspiciously on July 29.
* 68-year-old İbrahim Yıldırım (68), a 96 percent disabled ill prisoner in Elazığ No. 1 High Security Closed Prison, died on August 14, 10 days before his release.
* Mehmet Candemir (60), held in Giresun Espiye Type L Closed Prison, died on August 15. The prison administration claimed that Candemir died as a result of a heart attack.
MA / Fethi Balaman