Turkey is bombing Kobanê

  • actual
  • 12:48 16 August 2022
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NEWS CENTER- Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary groups are bombarding the villages of Kobane, Til Temir, Tirbespiyê and Minbic in the Northern and Eastern Syria.
Turkey is attacking the Kobane city in the Northern and Eastern Syria. According to Hawar news(ANHA), Kobane city center, Miştenur Tepesi and Aleppo road are being bombed as of the moment.
On the other hand, the city center and its surroundings, as well as the villages to the west of Kobane are also bombed.
The villages of Boban, Siftek, Selim and Aşme on the Turkey-Syria border are being bombed. The village Yukarı Şexler, which is on the Euphrates River and opposite Jarablus, which is under the control of Turkey, is bombarded with heavy weapons.
The bombardment continues.
Turkey also attacked the Tewila village Til Temir in the Heseke Canton with mortars and howitzers.
Information on the results of the bombardment is not yet available.
The area around the Syriac Soronto Forces Academy, located in the village of Rotan, in the northwest of Tirbespiyê district, was targeted by 3 artillery shells. Information on the consequences of the attack could not be obtained.
Last week, the Assyrian villages are targetted. The 9 artillery were attacked on the Mehrkan Church, Rotan and Mela Ebas villages.
According to the news on the official website of Manbij Military Council, Turkey is shelling the villages of Cat and Masî in the north of Manbij with mortars from its police station in Toxar Kebir village.
The shelling of villages where many civilians live continues.