'Yazidi women protect themselves with their own strength'

  • actual
  • 12:54 17 September 2022
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NEWS CENTER - Stating that Yazidi women are reborn with the Democratic Nation Paradigm, TAJÊ Foreign Relations Officer Delila Suham Şengalî said that  Êzidî  women protect themselves with their own strength against all forms of violence.

Yazidis who lived through the 74th massacre by the hand of the ISIS' in Shengal on August 3, 2014 were massacred, subjected to migration, and women were sold in slave markets. The  Êzidîs , who had been abandoned by Peshmerges during the attacks, returned to their lands after the city was cleared of ISIS and formed their defense units and form a new administration. Shengal, which was rebuilt under the leadership of women, is on target this time with the operations of Turkey against the Federated Kurdistan Region. However, the Yazidis, who did not take a step back despite the threats of ISIS and Turkey, attracts attention with their resistance in the face of attacks and oppression. In particular, Yazidi women strengthen their organisations against attacks by establishing self-defense units, women's educational institutions and councils.
Yazidi Women's Freedom Movement (TAJÊ) Foreign Relations Officer Delila Suham Şengalî spoke about the ongoing attacks against Shengal and the struggle of women against those attacks.
Stating that Yazidi women were exposed to all kinds of violence in the society before the massacre, Şengalî said: "There were serious changes both in Shengal and in the lives of women after the ISIS massacre. If we compare before and after the massacre, we will see that there were great changes and gains. Before the massacre, Êzidî women were excluded and marginalized in many areas. They could not decide for themselves how they would live, how they would dream or what they want. They were completely deprived of their willpower. Therefore, many women fell into the hands of ISIS gangs. But after the Autonomous Administration, they took their place in every field and organised themselves in many areas. They have returned, reborn from the ashes with this transformation.”
Expressing that Yazidi women created their own power after the massacre, Şengalî said: “The fate of thousands of Yazidi women is still unknown. Violence against Yazidi women in thay massacre was unprecedented. All kinds of torture and violence against human morality were committed. The greatest violence perpetrated was that they were forced to change their beliefs. We see this as the greatest violence. After the massacre, women take part in all areas of life and fight against all forms of violence. They protect themselves with their own power. In particular, they took their place in TAJÊ. TAJÊ has projects for women in the economic field. Now Yazidis have reached the level where they can protect themselves.”
Underlining the liberation of women with the Democratic Nation Paradigm, Şengalî said: “Women organised themselves in Shengal and Makhmur. However, we can see that violence against women is at its highest level in places ruled by the KDP. The co-chair system was established. Women are leading the military. There are women in all branches of the democratic nation. Rojava and Makhmur are governed on this basis. When we compare Rojava, Makhmur and Shengal with KDP-controlled places in Southern Kurdistan such as Hewlêr and Duhok, there is a big difference in the way they are governed. Violence against women is at its highest in Hewler and Duhok, and almost one woman is murdered per day. The KDP does not allow women to take part in life and causes violence to increase. But where the Democratic Nation System is established, societies are led by women. Autonomous Administration is equality and freedom for societies. It is free will, especially for women. While the KDP is killing women, the Democratic Nation is saving them. The society governs itself where there is a Democratic National System, but women have no will where there is fascism."
Stating that women did not leave their lands despite all the attacks, Şengalî continued: “We are making an intense effort to return Yazidi women to their lands. TAJÊ in particular is doing a ot of work to organise women. We carry out serious work not only for Yazidi women in Shengal, but also for those living in the camps. There is a massive attack on Yazidi women living in the camps. A special war is being waged against them. The special war policies in the region also affected the society to some extent. One of the consequences of this policy is immigration. Generally, males migrate. Women prefer to stay in their lands. Women are tied to their land emotionally. But they are doing everything to keep women away from their lands and prevent them from organising with their private war policies because they are afraid of the power of women. That's why we, TAJÊ, have serious efforts to ensure the return of women.”