Justice Watch: The Kurds' cause is freedom and democracy

  • actual
  • 16:22 17 November 2022
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İZMİR - Speaking on the 140th day of the sit-in and condemning the attacks against the civilian population, Hanım Sever, the relative of the prisoners, said "The Kurds are fighting for freedom and democracy against these attacks."
The Justice Watch, initiated by the relatives of the prisoners, demanding the release of the ill and the prisoners who are held despite serving their sentence, and the end of the isolation practices in all prisons, continued on its 140th day. During the sit-in in front of the Izmir Bar Association, the relatives of the prisoners wore aprons with the words  "Freedom for ill prisoners". The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Foça district organization supported the demonstration.
Hanım Sever, the mother of prisoner Medet Sever, who is in Bandırma Type T Prison, said that they are on the sit-in for peace and freedoms. Drawing attention to the bomb attack in Istanbul, Sever condemned the perpetrators of the incident. Sever said; "Peace should be in this country but blood continues. Innocent people are murdered in the middle of the street. We want the attacks against civilians to end. As the elections draw near, such attacks increase. In this country, those who want freedom, peace and justice are thrown into prisons. But Those who detonated bombs can easily go home. The İstanbul attack reminds one of Ankara. They also bombed people who wanted peace in Ankara and killed 100 people. They are trying to pile up their bombing attacks on the civilian population on the Kurdish people. We never accept this. We do not approve of any action. We will fight until peace, democracy and justice are served in this country. The cause of the Kurdish people is the cause of peace, democracy and freedom."