Bêrîvan Xalid: We will nullify Turkey's attacks

  • actual
  • 11:27 3 December 2022
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NEWS CENTER - Stating that they will nullify Turkey's attacks, Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration Executive Council Co-chair Bêrîvan Xalid said: "We will make the Rojava Revolution example successful and it will be a model for Syria."
Bêrîvan Xalid, Co-chairperson of the Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration Executive Council, evaluated Turkey's attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria. Stating that Turkey targeted the infrastructure of the region with its attacks, Bêrîvan Xalid said: "Turkey has been the target of Turkey's attacks since the beginning of the Rojava Revolution."
Speaking to Fırat News Agency (ANF), Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration Executive Council Co-chair Bêrîvan Xalid said: “The Turkish state's attacks on the region did not stop for a day. Afrin, Girê Spî, Serêkaniyê, Jarablus, Bab and Ezaz were occupied. Turkey wants to expand the occupation area with its ongoing attacks. Unfortunately, our region has faced threats of invasion by the Turkish state again, and these threats continue with bombardment."
Stating that Turkey has committed war crimes in its previous attacks, Bêrîvan Xalid said: “As a result, war crimes are being committed by the Turkish state and its mercenaries in Northern and Eastern Syria. Everyone knows that; These attacks will cause a humanitarian crisis. A policy of extermination and genocide is being carried out against the people of the region. It is aimed to intimidate our people and dehumanize the region with these attacks.”
Drawing attention to the unresponsiveness of international and regional powers, Co-President Bêrîvan Xalid continued: “Condemning the Dêrîk Massacre, which caused the martyrdom of 11 civilians, remained weak. We saved the region and the world from ISIS. While the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria cleared the region from ISIS terrorism, they also protected the world. Those who are fighting against ISIS face the Turkish state and ISIS terror today, but the international community cannot display enough reaction. Despite the resistance and self-sacrifice of the people of Northern and Eastern Syria, the international forces should not remain silent against these attacks. Tens of thousands of people sacrificed their lives to save the world and the region from terrorism. The reward for this sacrifice should not be silence.”
Emphasizing that the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria are united around the Autonomous Administration, Co-President Bêrîvan Xalid added: “We will overcome these attacks together and we will defeat them. We will not leave the gains of our martyrs to the Turkish state or to ISIS terrorism. The world public opinion should also protect Rojava and take a serious stance against the attacks. The people of the region displaced great sacrifice for humanity. The Turkish state wants to invade Syria, not just the region. The world public opinion should no longer remain silent against the Turkish state.”