Call for Mehmet Emin Özkan to be released

  • actual
  • 16:19 21 January 2023
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ISTANBUL - İHD drew attention to the health problems of 84-year-old prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan during the "F Session" action and demanded his release.
The Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch Prisons Commission held the 565th of its weekly "F Session" action to draw attention to the condition of ill prisoners, at the association's buildings. In this week's action, attention was drawn to the situation of 84-year-old Mehmet Emin Özkan, a ill prisoner held in Diyarbakır Type D Closed Prison. In the action where banners "Treatment is a right, it cannot be prevented" and "The ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan should be released" were unfurled, slogans such as "Human dignity will defeat torture", "Human rights cannot be prevented", "Health is a right cannot be prevented" were shouted.
Many human rights defenders participated in the action, which was supported by Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul Deputy Musa Piroğlu. Gülseren Yoleri, Head of İHD Istanbul Branch, made the statement on the subject.
In the continuation of his speech, Yoleri said: "After this report from Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital, Özkan was transferred to Istanbul ATK, and the ATK again reported that he could stay in prison." Stating that they met with Özkan's daughter, Yoleri said: "she said that her father and her imprisoned brother Ahmet live in the same ward; however, Ahmet also emphasized that he will be released in May".
Yoleri said: “Despite the serious threats to his right to health and life, Özkan is still being held in prison, and despite his serious illnesses, the ATK's reporting of all applications as 'he could stay in prison' is in itself a violation of rights and is unacceptable. If Özkan, who has become almost impossible to regain his health, is released and his treatment and care is continued in good conditions, it will be possible to live longer and spend his last days with his family."