KNK: The status and security of Yazidis must be guaranteed

  • actual
  • 15:40 23 January 2023
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NEWS CENTER - Making a statement regarding Germany's recognition of the Yazidi genocide, the KNK stated that the decision was important but insufficient and stated that the status and security of the Yazidis should be guaranteed for a solution.
The Kurdistan National Congress (Kongreya Neteweyî ya Kurdistanê-KNK) Executive Council made a statement regarding the German Federal Assembly's recognition of crimes against Yazidis as genocide. Evaluating the decision as an important one, the KNK warned that the genocides could be repeated unless the status of Shengal and the security of the Yazidis were guaranteed; therefore listed their demands and expectations.
The statement of the KNK Executive Council is as follows: “After the Council of Europe and the 10 states, the German Bundestag also accepted the genocide against our Yazidi people in 2014 as genocide. The Kurdistan National Congress finds this decision important.
In 2014, our Êzidî people carried out a heavy attack by ISIS and some of their partners with the intent of genocide. The aim of this genocide was to destroy our Yazidi people, and of course, ISIS did not do this alone, there was also a partnership of some regional states.
The decision of the German Parliament on the definition of genocide is positive, but it is insufficient to heal the wounds of our Êzidî people and solve their problems.
This decision of all international institutions, especially the UN and EU, that defines what has been brought to our Yazidi people as genocide, is correct and appropriate; however, the decision as such is insufficient. Some more decisions are needed in line with the principles in order to prevent the recurrence of genoside and to compensate for the losses to a certain extent.
The status and security of our Yazidi people must be guaranteed! The KNK demands international institutions to fulfill their duties in line with its principles in order to solve the problems of our Êzidî people who have suffered from the genocide, and expresses their expectations.
* Ensuring the security of the Yazidi people in Shengal and the countries they settled in
* Recognition of the will of the Yazidi people and recognition of the official status of the Shengal region
* Trial of ISIS and the forces involved in the genocide at the Court of Justice
* Protecting the Shengal and Êzidî people from the attacks of the Turkish state in the areas where they settled.
* Launching an international project to rebuild Shengal under the leadership of the people of Shengal
* Creating opportunities for the Yazidi people to return to their lands."