'Confidentiality' decision in the investigation of detained Adıyaman

ŞIRNAK - A "confidentiality" decision was taken in the investigation of HPG member Selim Adıyaman, who has been detained in Hezex since March 27 and learned that he has been ill-treated.
HPG's Selim Adıyaman (Harun Elbak), who was reported to have been handed over to the soldiers on March 27, has been detained for days. It has been learned that Adıyaman has been held in Şırnak 23rd Gendarmerie Border Division Command since March 27. According to the information obtained, Adıyaman was subjected to ill-treatment here. The Gendarmerie did not request any lawyer from the bar association for Adıyaman and only informed the family. The Şırnak Chief Public Prosecutor's Office took a "confidentiality" decision regarding the investigation conducted against Adıyaman.
On the other hand, after the images of Adıyaman being detained by violence were shared on social media accounts, the regions where the houses of the people featured in the images were located were besieged by the soldiers. The Gendarmerie pursued the person or persons who shot the images on social media. In the Zergûz region, many people were detained informally, headmen and villagers were threatened. A.G., who was taken into custody for allegedly taking the footage, was released after his statement after the lawyers intervened.
A.G., who was prosecuted for "violation of the confidentiality of the investigation", stated in his statement that he was at the scene by chance when he went out to graze his animals and that he did not take the footage himself.