Mazlum Ebdi: The support of PUK for Rojava disturbs Turkey

NEWS CENTER - Condemning the attack in Sulaymaniyah, SDF General Commander Mazlum Ebdi said that the PUK's support of the Kurds in Rojava disturbed the Turkish state.
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) General Commander Mazlum Ebdi made a statement regarding the attack of Turkey on Sulaymaniyah International Airport. Mazlum Ebdi responded by quoting Bafil Talabani's statement on Twitter with the slogan "Yan Kurdistan Yan Neman".
SDF General Commander Mazlum Ebdi said, "We strongly condemn the ongoing targeting of Turkey's Sulaymaniyah Airport in Iraq and Syria, which has serious implications for the region."
Mazlum Ebdi stated that the PUK's support of its brothers in Rojava is making Turkey uncomfortable.
At the end of his statement, Mazlum Ebdi said: "We will maintain our principled relations with our brothers and allies in Sulaymaniyah and we will be united against these attacks."