Economist Leader: AKP rules daily out of desperation

  • actual
  • 11:51 11 April 2023
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İSTANBUL - Economist Izzettin Önder, who stated that elections were held in a period when the largest budget deficit in Turkey's history was experienced, said that the policies presented under the name of "Improvement" are "policies of saving the day" in connection with the elections.
The country will go to the polls on May 14, in a process where the economic crisis deepens due to the war policies of the AKP-MHP government. Economist İzzettin Önder evaluated the state of the economy in the country and the economic picture after the election.
Pointing out that there is a deepening crisis in the country, Önder said: "The crisis brought about a social collapse along with the economy. This collapse has spread to all areas of life. The crisis is perceived as something related only to the field of economy, but in fact it is such a deep collapse that it creates social effects. In fact, the effects of nature appear in this harsh march of the economy; therefore, it has serious effects on human psychology. The human factor, nature factor, behavior, even science, law, all social institutions began to wear out too much. That's why, when we call it a crisis, we shouldn't just look at it as 'economic contractions'. From international sports activities to international academic and political activities, Turkey's field does not just slide back in the world economy. It slips backwards in every area. That's why I interpret it as a deep collapse."
Draw attention to the fact that the budget spent on the war in Turkey under the name of "security" policies seriously damaged the economy, Önder said: "This was seen in the policies followed by the government against the Kurdish Question that the government is fed by confrontational politics, contrary to democratic solutions. Kurdish Question will not be solved because the Kurdish Question is beneficial to the government. The government wants to show this as a 'fight' object and say, 'Look, there is an enemy there, come and take shelter in me'. This is a very painful story. For example; If you remember in the 2015 elections, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) entered the Parliament with high votes, what happened right after? As in the example of the shooting of 2 policemen in Ceylanpınar, the state agitated something. After all, it was a party that entered the parliament. What do they want, sit down and talk. How much the desired things are in conformity with the Constitution or maybe it can be solved by social consensus, but first let's talk. 'We talked but it didn't happen' is one thing, ignorance of not speaking is another. Mountain climbing should be handled in this way. Why would someone arbitrarily go to the mountain and live away from their family, why would they do such a thing? It means that there is no freedom of political expression and a barrier has been placed in front of it and it is trying to overcome it. It is necessary to remove those barriers and talk, but the government does not do this because this government likes it."
Underlining that the government no longer has any weight in directing the economy, Önder said: "The economic policies implemented will not be successful in the long run. The policies presented under the name of 'improvement' are 'policies of saving the day' in connection with the elections. The AKP rules daily out of desperation. For example; trying to keep the currency stable in different ways. If the AKP has given an additional amount of money today and this money has served more to meet the needs of the citizens, should we be happy about it? At that time, you should think like this; ‘If this money made me happy today, why did he give it 2 months before the election? I would have been more pleased if it had been given 2 months ago. So before that, he had a capital thought. Well then that means he's buying votes from me. This is actually an immoral maneuver. It is an immoral maneuver by politics, not citizens. Whereas, the vote is given as a result of the general service rendered to the society; however, the capitalist system does not operate with morality, but with bribery, and this is how we do it right now. By giving money to the minimum wage earner, he buys it. That's why people need to know that they are not for sale and their labor is not for sale, and they should make their political choices accordingly.”