ÖHD will be on the field with 1,600 lawyers for election

ISTANBUL - Stating that they will be on the field with 1,600 lawyers on the election day, ÖHD Co-Chairs Serhat Çakmak and Ekin Yeter said: “We invite our 85 million citizens to the ballot boxes. We will be on the field and everywhere against violations."
The Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) will be on the field with 1,600 lawyers on May 14, when the Presidential and General Elections will be held. Discussions on election security, which started with the statements of the ruling officials, continue. Opposition parties, especially the Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party), continue to work for election security with polling station officials and observers. Civil society and legal organizations will also be on the field for election security with the commissions they have established. ÖHD Co-Chairs Serhat Çakmak and Ekin Yeter, who will be on the field with 1,600 lawyers in 81 cities, made evaluations about the work they carried out and the elections.
Noting that they will be on the field with 1,600 lawyers in the elections, Çakmak said: "Most of the lawyers are members of our own associations and lawyers in law institutions that cooperate with our associations. We called on the citizens to vote with their democratic rights. We are saying this invitation as a citizen. Every citizen who has hopes for Turkey's democratization should make this effort. In this respect, we invite our 85 million citizens to the ballot boxes. They should reach our association and inform us about the violations that may occur in the election. We will be on the field and everywhere.”