Relatives of AKP candidate attacked the observers

MERDİN - In Merdîn, relatives of AKP candidate Faruk Kılıç attacked the observers of the Green Left Party, who wanted to record the mass voting.
The relatives of AKP candidate Faruk Kılıç wanted to vote collectively during the voting process in the rural Eşme District of the Qoser (Kızıltepe) district of Mêrdîn. The observers of the Green Left Party, who opposed the situation, wanted to record the events over the phone. Meanwhile, groups of dozens of Kılıç's relatives attacked the Green Left Party observers during the attack. Havas Güngör and Kemal Erbey were injured. Two citizens were taken to Kızıltepe District State Hospital and treated.
While a report was kept on the intervention of the lawyers regarding the incident, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz and Kurdish politician Ahmet Türk also visited the injured.
Tensions arose due to block voting in Artuklu district. After the tension in the rural Miqbila Jêr Neighborhood, a fight broke out among the voters. While the police and the lawyers in the area intervened, one person was slightly injured during the brawl.
In the rural Tumuk a Jor rural District of Qoser district, tensions arose as some men wanted to vote instead of their wives. The men attacked the ballot box officials upon the intervention. It was stated that a lawyer was beaten during the fight, and the tension in the region ended after the intervention of the police and political party representatives.