Aşkan statement from İHD: It's not an accident, it's a murder

ANKARA - İHD Headquarters stated that the death of 5-year-old Erdem Aşkan as a result of the collision of the vehicle used by the expert sergeant in Gever was not an accident but a murder and demanded that the perpetrators be prosecuted.
The Headquarters of the Human Rights Association (İHD) made a written statement regarding the death of 5-year-old Erdem Aşkan as a result of the collision of the vehicle used by the sergeant in the Gever ( Yüksekova) district of Colemerg. It was stated in the statement: “5-year-old boy named Erdem Aşkan died in Yüksekova when she was hit by a vehicle driven by military personnel. Moreover, this incident took place at a time when his mother and siblings were with him. We know that in the last ten years, dozens of children have lost their lives due to the maneuvers and excessive speed of military vehicles. Unfortunately, children continue to lose their lives as a result of similar incidents, as our warnings on behalf of the Human Rights Association that the perpetrators of previous incidents remained unpunished were not taken into account. We see the similar death of a child named Erdem Aşkan, despite all warnings, as murder, not an accident. We demand that the incidents and murders that cost the lives of children and citizens, especially children and citizens, responsible for military vehicles and military personnel in areas where social life is intense, including children's playgrounds, should be investigated and the perpetrators should be prosecuted effectively."