KCK ended the 'inaction' process

NEWS CENTER - KCK announced that it has ended its decision of "inaction", which it declared after the Mereş-centered earthquakes, due to the ongoing attacks.
The KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency made a new statement regarding the "inaction" process that was announced after the earthquakes in Mereş center on February 6 and extended during the May 14 election process. In the statement published by the Fırat News Agency (ANF), it was noted that Turkey's attacks continued and the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was aggravated during the "inaction" process that has been going on for more than 4 months.
Drawing attention that its forces did not take any action other than self-defense and they complied with the decision, the KCK announced the following statement: “Turkey entered an election process while the heavy impact of the earthquake was still ongoing. In this election, which is considered important by both the people of Kurdistan and the Turkish society, we took the stance of prolonging the inaction decision we took until the end of the elections in order to remove the grounds for provocation by the fascist AKP-MHP government and to result in the election in favor of the peoples and democratic forces, and we shared this stance with the public. Undoubtedly, as the Movement, we defend and fight for the democratic political solution of the Kurdish question and the democratization of Turkey. In this respect, our stance has also been a support given to politics and the political process. Undoubtedly, our people, patriotic and democratic friendly Kurdish organizations, many personalities, the democratic forces of Turkey, many powers and institutions from the region and the international arena, as well as the democratic public saw this decision positively and supported it."
In the statement, it was drew attention that the attacks continued during the "inaction" decision process, the statement said: "It was noted that the 'liquidation and genocide concept' continues. The use of prohibited weapons in the attacks against Zap, Avaşîn and Metina areas in the Federated Kurdistan Region continues. The murder of Hüseyin Arasan in Suleymaniye. We state that we have ended the decision of inaction we have taken due to all these reasons as of today."