Countryside of Xûlepûr village in Xîzan bombed

BİTLÎS - The countryside of Xûlepûr village of Xîzan district of Bedlis was bombed again with two helicopters today after the curfew.
One week after the curfew that started on July 2 and ended on July 6 in Hûzeran, Akûnis, Govan, Lanîlan, Xûlepûr, Kekulan, Sûreh, Pertawan, Kuran and Mezra Pisyan in the Xîzan (Hizan) district of Bedlis were bombed again. At noon today, two helicopters seen in the countryside of Xûlepûr were fired for hours, and after a while, the same area began to be bombed. Helicopter activity continues in the region.