Young people tortured by the police: They will not be able to bow down

ISTANBUL - The young people who were detained and tortured on the grounds that they condemned the murder of street musician Cihan Aymaz said, "They will never be able to bow down."
Street musician Cihan Aymaz, 30, who song in Kurdish in Istanbul's Kadıköy Rıhtım, was killed in the attack of racist aggressor Mehmet Caymaz, who asked him to sing the song "I die for Turkey" on the evening of May 2. The next day, young people Aydın Koçuk and Mehmet İkto, who participated in the demonstration organized by the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) at the place where Aymaz was murdered, were beaten and detained in the alley after the demonstration. It was revealed that the young people, who were followed by the policemen Ercan Bulut and Kemal Aslan, were forced into the police car that entered the street and then tortured both in the vehicle and in the police station where they were taken.
The young people, who were tortured for hours in Kadıköy İskele Police Station, were released after their statements were taken by the prosecutor's office, to which they were referred for "resisting the police". Upon the complaint of the youth, an investigation was launched against the police.
Young people İkto and Koçuk talked about the torture what they got through in detention.
Stating that they were subjected to profanity and insults after they were stopped by the police following them on the grounds of General Information Scanning (GBT), Ikto said: "We were then put in the vehicle called by the police and beaten there. We were taken to the Iskele Police Station after they were taken into custody, they should have been taken to the hospital first. They took them to an open area at the back of the police station. Right next door was the principal's office. They made us lie down in handcuffs upside down in that open area and said,  'You will see the power of the Turks', and made threats, swearing and insults. They cursed our family all the time. We saw some of the torturers. When we raised our heads to see the others, they were kicking us in the head and in the face. We were subjected to intense torture."
Pointing out that the police also made statements such as "There is no place like Kurdistan" and "That's what Turkish police do" during the torture, Ikto said: "We were exposed to psychological violence and harassment as well as physical violence. We were taken to a hospital in Göztepe after two hours of torture, The doctor did not perform a detailed examination at the hospital where we were taken in handcuffs. I requested a detailed examination at this time, and then we were subjected to insults and swearing by the police while I was being taken back to the police station. We do not know whether the doctor has reported on torture or not. Besides, what could be in the report given by the doctors working under the command of the police?”
Pointing out that when they were brought back to the police station after the hospital, their lawyers came and the police stopped the reverse handcuff torture and started to play the role of "good cop", Ikto said: "We were later released at the prosecutor's office. The police kicked us in the car and I sprained while trying to get my foot stuck between the seats. We went to the Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) and handed over our files, we are not examined. We did not have a life security. We expect another attack from those who do not hesitate to commit this despicable attack in public. We have such a concern. There is no safety for both us and our family. They have the mentality to do anything.”
Stating that the police resorted to torture to intimidate and intimidate the society, İkto said: “Even if they think like this and torture us, we will become stronger. You only spoil our outward appearance, you can never spoil our soul. You can never make us bow down."
Aydın Koçuk, who was tortured, said: “Their aim is to eliminate the opposition groups as a whole. They torture us for it. We know the torturers and they know us very well. They are trying to intimidate Kurdish and opposition youth in their minds. That's why they attacked. We can also make the following promise to our people; We will never, ever bow down to gangs that look like police and these cliques that have permeated the state. We will demand an account of this through democratic means, in the courts. They will be judged. Sooner or later they will give the account of our torture.”
MA / Mehmet Aslan

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