İZMİR- Iranian Mıhıbet İsmael, who is the only survivor of a sinking ship where 34 people died in Karaburun said: "We kept afloat when the ship sank. My son who were afloat with me were saying 'Mommy I'm scared, we are going to die.' He died in front of my eyes. We screamed a lot, we called out for help but noone heard."
At the offshores of İzmir, Karaburun a ship containing immigrants have sank on October 10. While 8 of the bodies were recovered, 26 people are still not found.
Iranian immigrant Mıhabat İsmael who stayed 28 hours at the sea and then were able to save herself have lost her 5 children and her husband.
İsmael, said that they first got on the way from Iraq on October 5, and arrived to Istanbul have gone to Foça next and then departed for Greece on October 8.
Ismael said: " I immidiately recognized the bodies of my son and my husband. May they rest in peace. I am in agony.I saw it all. When the ship sank, 8 of us stayed in the seaa. Most of them children. They all died in front of my eyes. I dont know how I am still alive. I stayed afloat for 28 hours holding on to some things. Nobody saved me, I saved myself from the sea and notified the police.I got out of the water at around ten. First I knocked on some doors, noone answered. Then I came across a police officer.I told them what happened, one of them spoke Kurdish. Then they went to the scene.
Ismael added: "I had one of my sons with me in the water. He died in front of my eyes. We yelled, we called for help, noone heard us. At that moment everyone was dead.I never thought i could make it. I didn't know how to swimthe waves dragged me tho the shore and I survived. There were 11 children in the boat. Now they are all missing. My husband wanted a better life for our kids. That's why we got on the way.Now there's noone left from my family and I will go back to Iraq and try to hold on to life. My reletives will help me."