ANKARA- HDP spokesperson Saruhan Oluç, said I wish he supports the same thing in Turkey ,for Erdoğan who supports authonomy in Moldova. Oluç, " We will respond to these trustees by winning not only the municipalities that got trustees appointed, but the others as well."
People's Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson Saruhan Oluç have presented assessments in a press meeting he held in his party's headquarters.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who visited Moldova yesterday had made positive statements about authonomy for Gagavuz Authonom Turkish District.
Oluç, who said "Not a camera prank" for Erdoğan's statements about authonomy, said : " Erdoğan is in a total opposite attiude when it comes to Turkey. I wish he would not accuse people of being a terrorist when they say that 'This is a democratic model let's discuss it, let's find a solution." HDP administarators like Selahattin Dmeirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ are in prison for supporting authonomy.Would that, they could show the same courage and political will in Turkey, so that people would not be hostages in prisons.