ANKARA- The cost of the products that are manufactured in Turkey and exported have increased by %75 in September compared to the same time last year.
Turkish Statistical İnstitute (TUİK) have publish the september reports of overseas producer price index. The inflation of export consignment have reached a record level. Overseas producer price index which measures the change in export costs (YD-ÜFE) have showed increase in September compared to the same time last month as %10,14, last year on December as %59,58 ,same time last year as %75,04 and avarage of last 2 months as %31,44.
Mining and Quarrying have increased 10.52 percent and manufacturing and industry sectors have increased by 10,14 percent according to TUİK data.
Motor land vehicles like trailers and semitrailers have increased the most monthly.
According to key industry groups classification, in September 2018, capitol gooods and energy products had maximum increase.