NEWS DESK- TRT deleted the election propaganda video of Selahattin Demirtaş from HDP's YouTube channel.
The Propaganda speech of HDP Presidency Candidate Selahattin Demirtaş who attended the election from the prison he is being kept in June 24,2018, was deleted from HDP's YouTube account on the grounds of copyright law.
Youtube Community rules dictates that they can make a user delete a video if the owner of the video applies.
A team from the TRT General Directorate in Ankara went to Edirne Prison and shot videos for Demirtaş's TRT speech. Anadolu Agency announced this situation with the words ilk A first in the history of democracy in the world .
According to the election law, presidential candidates have a right to speak for 10 minutes on TRT channels. IYI Party leader Meral Akşener, the CHP's presidential candidate Muharrem Ince and Erdogan did not use these rights.
One of the two speeches by Karamollaoğlu from Saadet Party is still in the YouTube channel.