İSTANBUL - 36 members of HDP Youth Assembly who were taken nto custody within the scope of an investigation, was tortured and handcuffed behind the back. It was claimed that the 36 youth assembly members were summoned to the police station for a 'chat' and was threatened with arrest.
36 people were taken into custody from People's Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Assembly on November 8. The detention period of the 36 people were extended for 4 days yesterday.
Metin Yılmaz, one of the detainees, was subjected to torture in a room without a camera because he refused strip search in the police station. Although Yılmaz has difficulty walking, there are no bruises or any marks of torture on his body.
Lawyers stated that their wrists were bruised as a result of very tight handcuffs while they were being taken to the hospital for a medical report. When the youth assembly members wanted the doctor to give them a medical report for their bruises, they were removed from the doctor's office.
The lawyers said that the traces caused by the handcuffs were not reported and that they were removed from the hospital without being examined, and that despite their warnings, their clients were removed from the courthouse with handcuffs again.