Racist attacks increased, refugees apply to the association

ISTANBUL - UGKDD Secretary General Maryam Rajhati stated that racist discourse towards refugees and immigrants has increased in the last 6 months and that many applications have been made to their association.
Refugees/asylum seekers who had to come to Turkey due to  war and poverty in their country have been the target of increasing hate speech and racist attacks recently. Refugees who have been attacked and targeted are sometimes unable to claim their legal rights for fear of being sent back and having their work permit revoked. Maryam Rajhati, Secretary General of the International Association for Solidarity with Migrants and Women (UGKDD), said that the attacks have accelerated in the last 6 months.
Expressing that serious fears have arisen among refugees due to the attacks, Rajhati pointed out that the language used by the media in addition to the hate speech of politicians against refugees are instigating racism. Rajhati said that Turkey is getting worse in terms of refugees and migrants compared to the past.
Stating that she had to migrate to Turkey 7 years ago due to the pressure she faced in Iran because she adopted the Christian faith, Rajhati said:"I was not allowed to pursue an academic career at any university. Women in Iran cannot be activists in any way, they are not allowed to engage in politics and organise; otherwise, you will end up in prison or end up being executed. Women who are against the regime are not allowed to exist in Iran. Women's right to education is also taken away from them. I was born in a Muslim family, but I changed my religion 17 years ago and became a Christian. I wanted to live as a Christian, but that was not possible in Iran because sect and religion are very important there. I was under constant pressure from the Iranian regime for going to church.”
Noting that she became a member of UGKDD in 2018, Rajhati said: "The association offers support to refugee and migrant women. There are the complaints made to our associations regarding the problems went through by migrant and refugee women living in Turkey. Stating that the main problems refugee women apply to their association for is the women having difficulties not knowing the language of the country, harassment and rape as well as law wages.
Stating that refugees have been exposed to racist discours in public transport vehicles, shopping malls, parks and the neighborhoods, Rajhati said: “Women say they don't feel safe in this country and they want to leave. However, they cannot go back because they are in war and similar situations in their own countries. Feeling monachopsis, not being safe is a trauma for refugees. In other words, more integrative policies are needed instead of these marginalizations towards refugees."
Noting that the government's failure to follow a immigration policy, asylum seekers have become a material of interest, Rajhati said: "The hate speech of some political parties has led to an increase in anti-refugee sentiment in the society. The racist attacks, especially on women, in the media and social media have reached a dangerous level. While the instigated anger and hatred paves the way for new racist attacks, they are making the refugees life more diffucult. It is unacceptable to accuse the refugees alone for crimes such as theft, murder and prostitution in Turkey. There may be people who do this, but don't Turks do it too? Everytime there is a crime in which immigrants are involved, it is broadcasted on television and social media for days. I feel intimidated and can't go out due to these news stories. When a child beats a child, if both of them are Turkish, it is reported as a very normal family fight in the news. Unfortunately, if it's an Afghan or a Syrian child fighting, it's often in the news, and it's spreading so fast all over social media."
Expressing that European countries made concessions to Turkey in order to get rid of the refugees, Rajhati said: “European countries are giving money to Turkey to avoid the incoming refugees. When we work people look us in the eye and say that their child is unemployed because we work here. According to them, we took their rights. Against these discriminatory policies against refugees, we demand the right to a secure life and right to labour for refugees.”
Stating that nearly 3,000 families in Turkey are currently waiting to go abroad, Rajhati said: "Many refugees in Turkey are waiting to go to Europe because they are hopeless about the future because in European countries the state takes care of refugees. No one is forced to steal to pay rent there. In Turkey, while a refugee buys a house, houses are given at prices above the normal prices. In Europe, this does not happen very often. With the summer, they will try to go to Europe illegally. This is actually kind of suicide. The government of this country and the Immigration Administration are responsible for this suicide."