Pre-election detentions are intimidation

  • actual
  • 13:49 27 April 2023
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ANKARA - Stating that the detention operation was an intimidation, Green Left Party Ankara MP candidate Alişan Şahin said: “They will not be able to silence the defense. After May 15, they will give an account of what they did before the law."
At least 128 people, including journalists, politicians, lawyers and artists, were detained in house raids carried out simultaneously in 21 cities within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Operations and detentions in the May 14 elections caused condemnations.
Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Ankara 3rd district MP candidate, Attorney Alişan Şahin, made evaluations about the operation.
Stating that the publicist, journalist, politician and 25 ÖHD member lawyers were detained as a result of a perception operation, Şahin said: “The investigation was initiated on January 12, 2023 with the decision we understand from the confidentiality decision and the operation button was pressed while waiting for the election eve to carry out the operation. We are used to them. Especially in Diyarbakır, an anonymous witness exchange, a secret witness pool has been formed.”
Stating that a political perception was carried out with the operation in question, Şahin said: “This government will give an account of what it has done in its racist policy by using the state's devices. As a political party, we have announced the declaration that we will hold them accountable before the law.”
Noting that there is a confidentiality decision in the file at the moment and that evidence is produced in many similar files with anonymous witnesses, Şahin said: “Everybody in this country needs the law. After May 15, they will give an account of what they did and the point they brought the country before the law."
MA / Yüsra Batıhan