Application to OPCW from German MP

  • actual
  • 11:54 4 November 2022
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NEWS CENTER - German Left Party MP Gökay Akbulut stated that they applied to the OPCW to demand that Turkey's use of chemical weapons be examined by independent committees and said, "A crime against humanity is being committed. Operations must be stopped."
German Left Party (Die Linke) Deputy Gökay Akbulut applied to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on October 22 regarding Turkey's use of chemical weapons in Zap, Metina and Avaşîn. In the letter sent to Ambassador Thomas Schieb, Germany's representative in OPCW, the report of the International Association of Doctors Against Atomic War (IPPNW) regarding chemical weapons crimes and the videos of HPG members who lost their lives after being affected by chemical weapons were requested. Die Linke (Left Party)MP Akbulut spoke to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) about his applications and demands.
Gökay Akbulut
Noting that it was not the first time Turkey used chemical weapons, Akbulut said that a "war crime" was committed with the use of chemical weapons. Stating that as the Left Party, they want the attacks to end, Akbulut said, "We also demand that delegations be sent to the region and that independent investigations be conducted." Akbulut pointed out that although the new government has been in power for about a year, there has been no change in its policy regarding Turkey and said, "As the opposition party, we sent this letter and applied for Germany, UN and OPCW to take action."
Noting that they plan to meet with OPCW's German Representative Thomas Schieb next week, Akbulut said, "The IPPNW report is essential for us. A report has been prepared by examining the region. There are reports it has prepared. We demand that an independent delegation be sent here. War crimes are being committed systematically against the Kurds. An investigation needs to be made. On the one hand, the German government demands investigations into Russia's war crimes, but unfortunately it is silent about Turkey's war crimes."
Akbulut stated that they will meet with the SPD (German Social Democratic Party) and the Green Party to demand that both the use of chemical weapons and the attacks on the region be investigated. Akbulut said, "Because Germany is a member of the OPCW, it needs to take action. A mechanism should be established for Turkey. It is very important to conduct research on war crimes and the use of chemical weapons."
Stating that there is still no response from OPCW regarding their application, Akbulut said, "OPCW members are states. In other words, it is an institution that includes states. But the party that is being attack doesn't have a state. We are still waiting for a response.
Whether Kurds have a state or not is not a problem. Crimes against humanity are committed here," said Akbulut, adding that chemical weapons were systematically used against the Kurds. Pointing out that the Green Party and other former governments had previously made statements that the attacks in question were unlawful, Akbulut said, "But there are no sanctions. There are various sanctions against Russia at the moment. But Turkey's war crimes as a NATO member is ignored."
Referring to the report prepared by IPPNW, Akbulut said, "There is a need to put pressure on OPCW. We will hold a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the session in Berlin again next week. Protests, marches and demos have been taking place across Germany and Europe for days. It is important to continue these actions.  Germany's role in this whole thing is huge. As an OPCW country, it needs to take action." 
Akbulut continued: "We demand the immediate withdrawal of the Turkish army from the region. Crimes against human rights are being committed.  NATO member Turkey is systematically implementing a foreign policy that harms the security of the entire region with chemical weapons. Mrs. Fincancı (Şebnem Korur Fincancı) has been arrested. We do not accept the passive attitude of the EU, the German government, the UN. As the Left Party, we will support the protests across Germany in the upcoming period. We will hold talks with the government again to stop the operations as soon as possible. There are a number of proposals we have prepared in the Foreign Relations Commission. The resolutions address the attacks."
MA / Müjdat Can