DEM Party candidate presentation: We will definitely win
- politics
- 16:07 29/1/2024
DEM Party introduced their municipality co-mayor candidates in Amed. Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said: "We will definitely win."
DEM Party introduced their municipality co-mayor candidates in Amed. Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said: "We will definitely win."
DEM Party Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan condemned the attack on the service at Santa Maria Church.
AKP Chair and President Tayyip Erdoğan stated in his statement after his meeting with Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi that they signed 10 new agreements.
It was stated that Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi will come to Turkey tomorrow.
DEM Party Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan, who called on the "sensible mind" of the state, stated that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who insists on a solution, must be listened to and sat down and talked.
Delegates who voted in the ballot boxes established by the DEM Party in Amed stated that the referendum must be an example for all parties and expressed their satisfaction with the elections.
DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları called on the AKP government, saying "The path you are walking is not the path", based on the wars and deaths caused by the Kurdish issue, and called "Let's establish peace summits instead of security summits". Hatimoğulları said that "sending trustees was the first move" for the referendum they held as a party.
Delegates participating in the primaries in Sêrt and Êlih stated that the trustee practice was responded to with democracy. Mete Basmacı, one of the delegates, said: "Mr. Öcalan's democracy paradigm is being implemented and brought to life in many cities today."
Ahmet Türk, who stated that he withdrew his candidacy application for the Mêrdîn Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayorship on the grounds that he was not elected in the first round, said: "I will continue the struggle of the Kurds on different platforms."
DEM Party Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan and CHP Chair Özgür Özel, who held a press conference after the meeting at CHP Headquarters, whose main agenda was the election, said that they talked about many issues, especially the election.
DEM Party Peoples and Beliefs Commission, commemorating those who lost their lives in the Meresh Massacre, said: “Turkey cannot be democratized without confronting the shame of its past and without revealing the massacres committed against Alevis, Kurds and all the minorities who are the riches of this region."
Speaking at Hezex, the DEM Party MP Zeki Irmez said: "In order to end the crises in Turkey, this isolation must be lifted. There is no other way."
In the final declaration of the DEM Party's 2-day meeting, it was stated that "Our tendency to take part in city administrations with our own candidates in the elections has become stronger." In the declaration, it was stated that the Central Executive Board and Co-Chairpeople were authorized for local elections.
HEDEP Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan, who announced that they changed their short name to DEM Party, said, "Our new name expresses the spirit of a new time, a new moment of beginning and the coming to life of a new word."
Stating that they will hold ballot boxes to determine municipal co-mayors and council candidates in the cities where they can win, Rüştü Tiryaki, HEDEP MP CoChair of Local Governments said: "We will appear before the public with a 'winning alliance' in Turkey cities.